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PJAS Students take the lead

PJAS Team leads the pack at Dusquesne

Eleven Alpha students participated in the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS) competition at Duquesne University on Saturday. They achieved 3 second place and 8 first place positions.In addition to these position placements, several students earned special recognition's and honors.

8th Grader Helen earned the Dr. Theodore J Weismann Award for Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry and Biochemistry AND a Duquesne University Excellence in Science Award.

8th Grader Sofia earned a Duquesne University Excellence in Science Award.

8th Grader Katie earned the 2019 Award for Excellence in Chemistry and Biochemistry from the Pittsburgh Section of the American Chemical Society

8th Grader Gina Achieved a PERFECT SCORE and also won the following awards: PJAS Chemistry Award, $100 Duquesne University Excellence in Science Award CMU Center for Nucleic Acids Science and Technology DNA Zone Award Pittsburgh Section of the American Chemical Society 2019 Award for Excellence in Chemistry

Congratulations to all of our students and to their teacher Mrs Linda Cessar. Good luck for next rounds!

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